
Inside your blood, there is a substance called fibrin. Fibrin helps in blood clotting during bleeding and wound healing in our body.

This fibrin is the magic substance that releases growth factors. When Platelet Rich Fibrin is properly injected into specific areas of the skin, it promotes your own new collagen growth, regenerates tissue, and naturally enhance the skin, using your own blood to improve skin quality on the face, neck, chest, hands, and even scalp (to fight hair loss).

Research demonstrates that our own Platelet Rich Fibrin has the power to heal and regenerate tissue in all areas of our body. Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. Studies document that PRF grows new collagen when injected into the skin, and new studies show that PRF can soften sun damage and other aging skin issues.

Your benefits of the PRF treatment are:

  • having noticeable improvement in the tone, texture, and overall quality of their skin;
  • reducing the appearance of crow’s feet and dark under-eye circles and stimulating circulation around your eye to improve brightness and even skin tone;
  • reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds (smile lines), Upper lip wrinkles, Nose and forehead lines/wrinkles;
  • effectively treats acne and scars;
  • hair loss: helps to stimulate the scalp improving hair vitality, color, brightness, while slowing hair loss and activating new growth;
  • helps enhance results and speeds up healing time after a laser treatment or chemical peel.

The treatment begins with a draw of blood, the blood is then spun in a centrifuge, which separates out the PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) and this is immediately injected into the face or body. The procedure is quick, relatively painless, and requires no post-procedure care or time off from daily events. Mild swelling, redness, or bruising fades within 1-3 days thanks to the quick healing due to even higher concentrations of healing platelets than PRP (platelet-rich plasma).

PRF is performed in a series of treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart. You can see the benefits and results of the PRF treatment after 6-8 weeks.

Long-term effects, such as skin tightening, collagen production, and enhanced skin quality, may take up to three months to be noticed and can last from 6 to 12 months.

The PRF Injection for Joints

Whether you struggle to stand without stiffness or wince in pain whenever you squeeze a doorknob or shake hands, practically any arthritic joint, inflamed tendon or other connective tissue can respond to platelet-rich fibrin therapy (PRF). The injection uses all-natural PRF from your own blood cells to restore joint and tendon function, heal damaged tissue and reduce pain… especially for patients who suffer from arthritis or tendonitis.

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) is a product of your own blood – we simply draw your blood and separate the platelets and fibrin in a centrifuge. The platelets are full of growth factors and other cell-stimulating proteins; the fibrin holds the platelets in the area injected while they slowly release those growth factors.

The growth factors released by PRF attract stem cells (which grow into brand new cartilage and connective tissue) and fibroblasts (which produce more collagen for cushioning and elastin for flexibility). There is also an anti-inflammatory effect that works quickly, and a slower increase in blood supply to the area.

PRF isn’t just for joints: orthopedists have used it successfully in many types of soft tissue injuries, from tennis elbow to plantar fasciitis and rotator cuff strain – there really isn’t a joint, tendon, or ligament where PRF (or its earlier, less effective cousin, PRP) hasn’t been studied and shown to work well, for both pain relief and actually healing injuries. We can discuss your specific areas at your consultation.

The most common joints injected with PRF are knees and hips, and there’s been an uptick in visits for hand pain – using a smartphone or tablet requires repetitive motions that put stress on the joints and tendons in our fingers and wrists – especially the “texting thumb.” PRF can be a tremendous relief to this frustrating daily pain.

Recent research shows PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) injections alleviate arthritis pain as well as steroid injections, but in a much different way that actually rejuvenates the cartilage and other joint tissues, rather than causing further breakdown. And the results last a lot longer, often a full year or more.