
Most HGH comes from recombinant DNA made artificially in the laboratory and then inserted into cells that mass produce the protein.

What is the price of youth? People dedicate time and considerable resources to keep themselves young. In fact, consumers spend more than $331 billion annually on global anti-aging efforts.

That’s right, add up creams, potions, shots, and surgery all to look and feel young. From bird spit creams to advanced surgical eye lifts, there are many ways to prevent aging. With the proven results of human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone injection therapy, you might wonder how much it all costs.

Hormone Decline

HGH is a 191 amino acid protein. It’s naturally produced by the pituitary gland. It sends signals to the cells to grow and renew.

Insufficient HGH in children results in slow or stopped growth. Children who stop growing early receive HGH to stimulate bone growth. Other diseases treated with HGH include Turner’s syndrome, AIDS, renal failure, and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Outside of serious diseases, normal HGH levels fluctuate over time. As you age, your body produces less HGH and cell renewal slows. Supplementing HGH levels encourages your body to act as it did when was younger.

Human Growth Hormone Therapy

Hgh is crucial during every stage of life. However, some bodies struggle with the regulation of the right amount. This may be due to pituitary gland malfunction or aging.

Decreased production of human growth hormone leads to medical changes in the body. Disruptions to the equilibrium of the endocrine system can lead to some unpleasant conditions. Hgh supplements are a form of hormone replacement therapy meant to make up for the decline in HGH levels.

A doctor specializing in endocrinology is in the best position to advise you if HGH is a form of therapy to consider. If a doctor notices a deficiency, he or she may recommend treatment. For those using HGH to slow premature aging, you may begin as early as your mid to late ’30s. Anti-aging is an off-label use not approved by the FDA.

A doctor will examine your medical history before therapy. You will undergo blood tests to assess HGH (and IGF-1) levels. Hgh is available only by prescription in the U.S.

Benefits of HGH

1. Increased Muscle Strength

HGH improves physical capacity by stimulating collagen synthesis and increasing muscle strength. Muscle mass tends to decline as you age. Stimulating lean muscle growth reduces age-related tissue loss.

2. Faster Healing

For athletes and accident victims, HGH therapy for healing stimulates bone growth. HGH also stimulates cellular regeneration to speed healing. Local application of HGH speeds up fracture healing without affecting the entire body.

3. Enhanced Weight Loss

Obese individuals often have limited release of growth hormones. HGH and dietary restrictions result in larger weight losses than diet alone. HGH accelerates the breakdown of lipids (fats) into energy the body can use.

4. Denser Bones

Hgh and IGF-1 together stimulate bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells for denser, stronger bones. For people susceptible to age-related osteoporosis, this can prevent painful fractures later.

5. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction

Effective metabolism of lipids and reduced body mass reduce the risk of heart disease. Fatty plaque blockages are less likely among patients without HGH deficiencies.

6. Natural Testosterone Booster

Human growth hormone is responsible for male reproductive function and sexual maturation. A lack of HGH causes the loss of sexual desire and erections.

7. Insulin Resistance and Obesity Treated

Insulin resistance and obesity are common in adults with an HGH deficiency. Hgh treatment reduced abdominal fat tissue in double-blind tests.

8. Mood and Cognitive Function Improvement

Hgh deficiency treated with growth hormone injections improves the quality of life and psychological well-being of patients. A study of adults with HGH deficiency showed that concentration, cognitive ability, and mood improved after six months of HGH treatment.

9. Restorative Sleep

Lack of sleep alters pituitary and hypothalamus function. Individuals with sleep deprivation have decreased HGH release. This can further disturb the sleep-wake cycle.

Hgh supplements counteract declining natural HGH levels as you age. You can expect benefits such as lowered fat deposits and increased lean muscle mass. Most anti-aging use of HGH comes with a complete treatment protocol to maximize the beneficial effects.

Methods of HGH Administration

Hgh administration is through a series of timed injections, sprays, or pills. Each has its own advantage. Treatment options differ with the severity of your HGH deficiency.

You need a doctor’s supervision to assure the wanted results. A timed series of injections are the most effective for declining HGH levels. You can also use oral supplements or sprays, but they are still unproven and often less effective.

Where does HGH come from?

HGH came from human cadaver brains until the early 1980s. The process was expensive and time-consuming. It was also associated with contracting Cruetzfeld-Jakob disease (the human variant of Mad Cow disease). Advances in purification eliminated much of the risk, but cadaver HGH continues to be expensive.

Today, most HGH comes from recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA is DNA made artificially in the laboratory. The recombinant DNA gets inserted into cells that mass produce the protein. The current technology uses cells of the common bacteria E. Coli to mass-produce HGH.

There are two techniques that use E.Coli bacteria to manufacture HGH. Both cost less than cadaver-derived HGH but one method does not produce bio-identical results to human HGH. Other challenges are that some manufacturing techniques add an extra amino acid at the end of the protein. This can cause allergic reactions in some people.

There is a method that uses mouse cells instead of E. Coli bacteria. The HGH created with this method is indistinguishable from human-produced HGH.

HGH Cost

HGH injections cost different amounts based on brand, country of origin, and source. In the U.S. and Europe, HGH is strictly regulated. Expect to pay a premium for off-label use. Some people select Costa Rican or Mexican HGH due to lower costs and less strict control of the substance.

You can expect to pay $1000 to $5000 a month for injectable HGH from a legitimate company. This depends on the size and potency of the dose needed.

You may pay less with internet or out-of-country purchases, but should be wary of “deals” too good to be true. Adulterated or ineffective products are often sold to unsuspecting buyers. Some products can cause severe allergic reactions.

Quality is variable. It is best to select HGH subject to rigorous testing and quality standards. Select a clinic that uses only known manufacturers and brands. Be aware that regardless of the origin of your HGH, you should only use injections with a doctor’s supervision.

HGH Oral Supplements

Oral supplements to increase HGH in the body are available. They are not as effective as injections but are less intrusive. They are also much less expensive. Dietary supplements are not regulated as prescriptions in the U.S.

The cost of HGH stimulating supplements online and in health food stores can be as little as $30 a month to a few hundred dollars. Price is dependent on the marketing for the supplement, the form (patch, spray, or pill), and the ingredients. Supplements can have a large range of ingredients (like deer antler or ginkgo Biloba) and potency.

Look for supplements with a reputation for effectiveness. Name brands from well-known manufacturers are the best bet for quality and potency. Look for recommendations from your medical practitioner.

It is possible to buy oral HGH supplements for cheap online, but the buyer beware. Thorough knowledge of HGH use and supplement quality before treatment is necessary. If HGH supplements are a part of your therapy regimen, your clinic can guide you to a high-quality source.

Is HGH for you?

If you suffer from any of the particular diseases treated by HGH, the cost is not necessarily a factor for treatment. Your insurance company will often cover your needs. HGH cost is a factor for anti-aging and oral supplements because off-label use is usually not covered.

There are many healing and anti-aging benefits to HGH. In addition to therapy for children who have slow growth, small doses of HGH speed up bone healing, strengthen bones and improve weight loss results.

Preventing the effects of age-related bone and muscle loss is within reach.

If you would like to explore how hormone replacement therapy and HGH can improve your health and vitality, a conversation with your doctors can give you the information you need. Get in touch with us today.